DOWNHILL ski racks evolve - Massimiliano Pavon

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DOWNHILL ski racks evolve

The choice of some of our customers to utilize DOWNHILL ski rack by Insilvis in exclusive locations such as luxury hotels, houses, chalets, apartments and yacht, prompted us to process the original version of DOWNHILL 1 and DOWNHILL 2, in which skis lean against rubber gaskets reinforced with stainless steel slats.
The new versions of DOWNHILL 1 L and DOWNHILL 2 L  -the letter L is for leather – are coated with a real leather tubular.
The new versions of DOWNHILL 1 P and DOWNHILL 2 P  -the letter P is for PVC – provide a PVC cover produced by numerical controlled milling.
The new versions of DOWNHILL 1 W and DOWNHILL 2 W - the letter W is for wood - provide a solid wood cover produced by numerical controlled milling.
The new version of DOWNHILL 1 C and DOWNHILL 2 C - the letter C is for carbon fiber - are upholstered in a flexible carbon fiber fabric.
Normally the body of the ski rack is from AISI 304 stainless steel but in marine environment it is better to use the AISI 316 stainless steel.
The DOWNHILL collection can be equipped with closing plates with padlocks: padlocks as well can be suitable for the marine environment.
The perfect shape of DOWNHILL, functional, elegant and minimalist, meets two refined elements of completions: real leather, “warm”, natural, reassuring and traditional; PVC, technological, essential and contemporary.

Massimiliano Pavon | Italia | P.IVA IT01259970935
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