Website Privacy Policy - Massimiliano Pavon

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This notice outlines the procedure used to manage the personal details of anyone using, browsing or registering on this Website.
This notice:
- is provided according to the terms of art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003;
- takes full account of Recommendation 2/2001 of the European personal data protection authorities
of 17 May 2001.
This notice concern the visitors of:
that are the Massimiliano Pavon's homepages,
and of:
that are the IN SILVIS's homepages.
These Websites do not contain Links to external websites.

Anonymous Information: is any information that is not associated with or linked to personally identifiable information and consequently does not permit the identification of individual persons.
Personal Information: is any information or opinion about an identifiable person like  personal and fiscal details, e-mail or Skype addresses, phone number,  photograph as well as other non-public information.
Cookies: are small text files composed of alphanumeric characters that a server of a website that uses this technology transfers to a user's computer for added functionality or for tracking site usage.
The origin website sends state information to a user's browser (user’s preferences, language settings and other common features) and the user’s browser returns the state information to the origin site: like this cookies allow a website to recognise users when they return to a site.
Persistent cookies are saved to the hard disk. Session cookies are saved to the browser only and disappear when the browser is closed.
It is possible to configure user’s browser to reject cookies by modifying the browser settings or preferences.
If user wish to do so, we recommend you consult the information provided in the browser or contact the browser vendor for help and instructions.
IP Address: (Internet Protocol Address) is a unique number assigned to user’s computer connection by user’s Internet Service Provider: computer uses IP Address to identify itself and communicate with other devices in the Internet Protocol network.
Web Browser: is a software application  used to access the internet. It interprets the coding language of the World Wide Web in graphic form thus allowing anyone to “browse the Web” bypassing the employment of commands used in software languages.

When identified or identifiable users access this site, the personal data of the said users may be transferred and consequently processed.
The data processor is Massimiliano Pavon and the processing of data relative to web services provided by these websites takes place in the said head offices.
The personal data supplied by users forwarding specific requests will be used for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested and will be communicated to third parties only where required in connection thereof.

Information systems and the software procedures for running this web site acquire, in the ordinary course of operations, some personal data whose forwarding is implied in the use of the communication protocols of the Internet.
This type of information is not collected for the purpose of being associated with identified interested parties; on account of its nature, however, by processing and reference to data held by third parties, it may lead to the user being identified.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the web site and to verify that it functions properly.

No personal data concerning users is acquired by the website in this regard.
No cookies are used to transmit personal information, nor are so-called persistent cookies or user tracking systems implemented.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail to the addresses shown on these Websites or the contacting the Company's office by Phone or Skype in order to request  information or services involve the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address or contact data required to reply to the requests and of any other personal data contained in the message sent by the user.
Denial of providing personal data by you may result in a failed or incomplete performance of the service provided by Massimiliano Pavon.

Massimiliano Pavon reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. After any such changes, user’s visit to the site will be subject to the terms of the revised Privacy Policy.
It is recommended that user visit this Policy to remain informed of any changes.

For more information about any of the policies described above contact Massimiliano Pavon by the following contact details:
Massimiliano Pavon
Via Villanova di Sotto, 1
33170 Pordenone – Italia
Mob +39 347 5339334 – skype: insilvis

Massimiliano Pavon | Italia | P.IVA IT01259970935
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